Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Why Me?
By: Kelly France
        It was a beautiful, summer day. The grass was green, the skies are blue, it felt like nothing could go wrong, that’s how 14 year old Kara Berlin felt today. She was just being lazy today, looking up at the sky, identifying each, puffy white cloud as an animal. Bunnies, dogs, cats, hamsters, so many. Hearing the kids play on the playground, hearing the swings squeak, summer was finally here!
        It was also time to hang out with her boyfriend, Jace. She loved him. Despite her young age, she knew she had found the one. Her mom didn’t approve of him though. He doesn’t get the best grades, he has his own gang, but those are his only flaws. He is a nice person, who is cute and actually very bright. Kara loved him.
        Kara was laying on the prickly green grass, watching the baby blue sky, and she felt her phone vibrate hard in her pocket. She looked at it, Jace texted her “Heyyy, wanna hang at my plc 2day?” She was so excited. She ran, slipped on her flip flops and rode her bike to his house.
        “Hey Kara,” Jace said nervously.
        “Hey! So whats up?” Kara said.
        “Nothing much, what do you wanna do?”
        Kara leaned in and kissed his soft lips for a couple seconds. She pulled away quickly after.
        “Oh gosh, sorry. It just kinda felt right,” Kara rambled.
        “No problem…I, kinda liked it,” Jace smiled. The two ran upstairs and sat on his bed. They started kissing some more, and more..and MORE…things went really far that day.
        “Whoa..” Kara said as she woke up in Jace’s bed that evening.
        “Kara, what’s the matter? .... Oh gosh..we didn’t..” He worried.
        “..use protection?” Kara got worried. They never did use protection. Kara was shocked. What if…if I’m pregnant? Oh gosh, what will my parents say?!  Kara’s mind was going crazy. She slipped on her clothes and rushed home immediately.
        “Where have you been Kara?!” Her mother exclaimed.
        “I was with Jace,” Kara said calmly.
        Her mother was furious. “Kara Nicole Berlin, you were with that thing?! What did you do?! You are grounded!” Her mother screamed on for what seemed like hours.
        “Okay, okay…OKAY! Sorry mom! NOTHING happened!” She rushed up to her room. Kara started to feel sick to my stomach. How could I be this stupid? What happens if I’m pregnant? It made her sick just to think about it. She turned off the light and went to bed.
        For the next couple of weeks, she thought how stupid she was. It eventually went away, but she still thought something was wrong. She called Jace over for the day.
        ‘’Hey, Jace,” Kara said.
        “..Hey. Listen, I feel really bad about what happened a couple weeks ago. If I pressured you, I’m sorry,” He apologized.
        “No, it’s both of our faults..I just hope I’m not pregnant, my mom would kill me. So would my step-dad, especially,” She said.
        They both went to the store to buy a pregnancy test. The clerk gave them a strange look. They just glared back and ran out the door. When they got back to Kara’s place, she went into the bathroom and took it.
        “Blah blah blah…wait 3 minutes. Oh joy,” She said sarcastically.
        “Don’t worry, it will be alright,” Jace said, with a calm tone in his voice. They both heard a beeping noise.
        “I guess that means it’s time to check,” Kara said nervously.
        She took one glance at it and her stomach turned.
        “Kara, what’s wrong? What does it say?” Jace said.
        “Oh…crap,” Kara said once she showed her boyfriend that the test said positive.

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